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Monday, August 27, 2012

Lost in the dark..

By: Maham Shahbaz

No escape there is from blinding light and never ending darkness
day starts by light and doesn’t seem to end
night starts by rush but ends as soon as it starts
after all when did peace last long?
They say all good things come to an end
never knew end was right next to starting
etched, are u in my heart
I fear u too will somehow leave
After all every one thinks there reason is valid
many questions go unanswered
many wishes are lost
many feelings fade away
have some questions
though I know no one will answer
for no one knows the answer , and the one who knows will not answer
He could have created dolls instead of us ?
Why give us a free mind when u are to pull the strings and make us dance?
Why say man is created free when, u get to control?
Why u say to work hard when all is written ?
why not create puppets when u get to control "free creatures" like puppets?
And what is life but another doubt?
I do not doubt u but there are just some questions
no one knows the answer and the one who knows won't answer ...


  1. HE always answers but in a different way.... we can decide, we can think, we are not puppets. love yourself, love that CREATOR. you'll feel free.... of all cares. shmile. :-)

  2. See that's why He has asked us to pray. Praying & duas can change everything! So everything is already written but we've been given the power to mold it, to change it.



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