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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Iqbal's dream Quaid's view ; Pakistan

Written By: Ramsha Shahid Akhund


The dictionary meaning for it is : the state of being independent; not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc. "DEPENDENT UPON YOURSELF"

This is true, it is the free state of mind, in other words FREEDOM. Looking back, we are an independent nation. We have our own government, our heads are not under others feet. No one "ELSE" rules us. Our people, Our natives do. But the question arises, 'are they ruling it the right way?'. hmm? ..
Lets leave the question Unanswered ..

I agree independence is freedom of speech, freedom of learning, freedom of writing, freedom of protesting, freedom of preaching, freedom of practising, freedom of this, freedom of that. BUT, what I personally believe is that, INDEPENDENCE is more over, freedom of SOUL; "being satisfied". until and unless our soul is not satisfied, do we feel well ? "No, We Don't". we strive hard and hard to satisfy ourself by different means. don't we? sometimes we roll on one way, sometimes the other. we are fully independent only when we feel secure. we feel that there is no one else to stop us from what we are doing and interrupt our personal life-style, there is no one to harm us in any way, no one to force us.

Coming back to the question "Is our so called independent government ruling us the right way, the way we should be ruled?" are we getting all the fundamental rights a human has the right to have? The MAJORITY, I am not saying "EVERY-ONE" but Majority answers NO. 
Why NO? why not YES? ... I know, "jesi awam, waisay hukmuran" .. but what has changed the awam (nation) ?

We got independent 65 years back. didn't we? our Quaid, the great, the extra ordinary leader, Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah granted us this freedom. he fought for us. he rendered his life for us. I say, he died for us. just to make us ONE and make us realize that the Muslims are no less than others, and we have the rights to rule ourselves rather than to be ruled by the hands of others. he had the moto of Unity, Faith and discipline. 

But do you see this moto being practised anywhere anytime? ^Sad. the moto of this extra ordinary leader is LOST. nothing else but, LOST. 

This country, I must say is very blessed. it gives us a smile every time, and satisfies us at every stop. You know how? We cheer when our cell phones are not snatched. we cheer when the light comes back. we cheer when are safe from a robbery. we cheer when we return home safely, not been blowed up by a bomb. we cheer when we come back from shopping and our car is safe. we cheer when our children come safely from school. and the cheerful moments go on and on and on ......

BUT, are these the REAL moments to be happy at. ? NO, not even a bit. 
These moments are to grief at, that our country has turned this way, the way our QUAID never wanted it to be. I am sure he would have never even dreamed of us turning this way. thinking is far away, he would never ever even DREAMED of it. but who is to be blamed? you? me? government? army? law?people? Waderas (landlords) ?minority? majority? literate? illiterate? Who who who. ? Pakistan, itself whispers, "you". Pointing "us"Shame upon us. 

We go out and fear at every stop. we even fear to be robbed at the traffic lights that we break the law and don't stop. So you see, in drifting Pakistan to a wrong direction you, me, all, everyone is involved. Minorities suffer so much. they are not getting the rights they should be having. poverty has increased. classes have been made. When every one is equal infront of Allah, than why classes? why poor? why rich? why majority? why minority? *Sigh  he dreamed of such a Pakistan and we are acting totally different. 
this is not what He wanted, this is not what we want, this is nor what God wants. 

Saying and believing are two different things. Acting is totally another one. As u have heard that "Action speak louder than words". So, we should act first and speak later. As a librarian should be silent before telling others to keep quiet, as a Boss should know how to be perfect before telling others to be, same a Pakistani should be a true Pakistani, one which the Quaid wanted with all the three qualities (unity, faith & discipline) embedded in him, before telling others to be like one.

To be well, is to satisfy our souls and what exactly is our soul? Our motherland, our sweet home, none other PAKISTAN .."It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality" M.A.Jinnah.

"Mein hoon insaniyat ki woh inteha, Ke jahan tujh mein aur mujh mein kuch farq nahi hai" - This is a pakistan we all want. 

As we all, make a revolution to be nicer and wiser each year, so On this special occasion, the day which changed every other trapped Muslim's life under British control, I would like every other Pakistani, wether living here or abroad, to make a commitment, not to Pakistan, not to it's people, but to himself that he will show and prove to a Pakistani which Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah dreamed of..

Mein hoon Jihad ki woh tafseer,
Ke jis mein Ilm ke siwa aur kuch nahi hai .. 
Mein hoon har woh taaqat, woh josh, woh jazba
Jo aaj bhi ek ho kar bolta hai, ke dekho..
Mein hoon Sikh, mein hoon Hindu, mein hoon Isayi
Mein hoon Quran ki woh ayat, ke jis mein mazhab pe koi pabandi nahi hai 
Mein hun sindh ki shaan, Punjab ki aan, KPK ki jaan, balochistan ki maan .
Mun Hun Pakistan. 

Hope to see a better Pakistan in times to come. 
Proud Pakistan. Proud Pakistani :)


  1. I agree with what u say (sigh of relief, first time it happened without an argument), but if one person starts to do something good alone that won't make much difference would it? I know qatra qatra darya banta hai but we don't have much time for the single drop to become a river.

  2. Aqsa you know what? it will make a difference and I have my example for that, I just started alone and set and example for others and so many people around me try to follow what i do, we can atleast try :( ... btw this is no bragging about me :D

  3. exactly aqsa, what's wrong in trying? "If you fail, try, try again" that is what they say :) we should not let ourselves down, time hasn't left, we have plenty of hours days and months to achieve our dreams :) "HOPE HIGH" my friend.

  4. Ok so I stopped throwing wrappers on streets and for the past two years tried to convince people to do the same but they take it as a joke. There are so many problems that need to be solved now! Hours, months and days; we do not have them coz every second things r gonna get worse until they r totally out of our control. still im hoping high but fear for the day when these hopes nd dreams will shatter

  5. Aqsa instead of stop throwing wrappers on streets , try to collect the ones that are thrown and you will see people will join you in, its just the way we try..



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