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Friday, April 29, 2011

Unknown Countries of World!

This idea was a strange one. Searching for the countries which are unknown to the world? Uninteresting, but the whole drill was fun. We do hear the famous country names everyday here is something for a change. Although it was just a matter of looking at the list of world countries and noting down some unknown names but more than this it made me learn a lot about the alien countries of the world. Generally though, for your Information most of the countries which are unknown to the world are from Africa, hope you like this article.


Flag of Tuvalu

Capital: Funafuti
Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II
Governor General: Iakoba Italeli
Prime Minister: Willy Telavi
Independence Day: 1st October, 1978
Total Area: 26 km²
Total Population: 10,472


This country is ruled by the Queen of England, Elizabeth and she is the official queen here also known as the queen of Tuvalu and appoints the prime minister if the country who is the care taker. This country consists of four reef Islands and five true atolls. It is situated between the Hawaii and Australian lands. Its Population of 10,472 makes it the 3rd least populated country in the world and it is also the fourth smallest country in the world due to its area. The Parliament of the country is known as Fale I Fono. Favorite game of Tuvalu is Kilikiti which resembles Cricket, where as Ano is another famous game played. This country participated in the Beijing Olympics of 2008 for the first ever time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

African Folktales (2)

                                        Click here for part one.

6. Grasshopper and Toad.
Grasshopper and Toad

Grasshopper and Toad appeared to be good friends. People always saw them together. Yet they had never dined at each other's houses. One day Toad said to Grasshopper, "Dear friend, tomorrow come and dine at my house. My wife and I will prepare a special meal. We will eat it together."

The next day Grasshopper arrived at Toad's house. Before sitting down to eat, Toad washed his forelegs, and invited Grasshopper to do the same. Grasshopper did so, and it made a loud noise.
"Friend Grasshopper, can't you leave your chirping behind. I cannot eat with such a noise," said Toad.

Grasshopper tried to eat without rubbing his forelegs together, but it was impossible. Each time he gave a chirp, Toad complained and asked him to be quiet. Grasshopper was angry and could not eat. Finally, he said to Toad: "I invite you to my house for dinner, tomorrow."

The next day, Toad arrived at Grasshopper's home. As soon as the meal was ready, Grasshopper washed his forelegs, and invited Toad to do the same. Toad did so, and then hopped toward the food.
"You had better go back and wash again," said Grasshopper. "All that hopping in the dirt has made your forelegs dirty again."

Toad hopped back to the water jar, washed again, then hopped back to the table, and was ready to reach out for some food from one of the platters when Grasshopper stopped him: "Please dorit put your dirty paws into the food. Go and wash them again."

Toad was furious. "You just don't want me to eat with you!" he cried. "You know very well that I must use my paws and forelegs in hopping about. I cannot help it if they get a bit dirty between the water jar and the table."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

African Folktales (1)

1. The Lion and the Jackal.

Lion and the Jackal

The Lion and the Jackal agreed to hunt on shares, for the purpose of laying in a stock of meat for the winter months for their families.

As the Lion was by far the more expert hunter of the two, the Jackal suggested that he (himself) should be employed in transporting the game to their dens, and that Mrs. Jackal and the little Jackals should prepare and dry the meat, adding that they would take care that Mrs. Lion and her family should not want.

This was agreed to by the Lion, and the hunt commenced.

After a very successful hunt, which lasted for some time, the Lion returned to see his family, and also to enjoy, as he thought, a plentiful supply of his spoil; when, to his utter surprise, he found Mrs. Lion and all the young Lions on the point of death from sheer hunger, and in a mangy state. The Jackal, it appeared, had only given them a few entrails of the game, and in such limited quantities as barely to keep them alive; always telling them that they (i. e., the Lion and himself) had been most unsuccessful in their hunting; while his own family was reveling in abundance, and each member of it was sleek and fat.

This was too much for the Lion to bear. He immediately started off in a terrible fury, vowing certain death to the Jackal and all his family, wherever he should meet them. The Jackal was more or less prepared for a storm, and had taken the precaution to remove all his belongings to the top of a krantz (i. e., a cliff), accessible only by a most difficult and circuitous path, which he alone knew.
When the Lion saw him on the krantz, the Jackal immediately greeted him by calling out,
Good morning, Uncle Lion."

"How dare you call me uncle, you impudent scoundrel," roared out the Lion, in a voice of thunder," after the way in which you have behaved to my family?"

"Oh, Uncle! How shall I explain matters? That beast of a wife of mine!" Whack, whack was heard, as he beat with a stick on dry hide, which was a mere pretence for Mrs. Jackal's back; while that lady was preinstructed to scream whenever he operated on the hide, which she did with a vengeance, joined by the little Jackals, who set up a most doleful chorus. "That wretch!" said the Jackal. "It is all her doing. I shall kill her straight off," and away he again belabored the hide, while his wife and children uttered such a dismal howl that the Lion begged of him to leave off flogging his wife. After cooling down a little, he invited Uncle Lion to come up and have something to eat. The Lion, after several ineffectual attempts to scale the precipice, had to give it up.

The Jackal, always ready for emergencies, suggested that a reim should be lowered to haul up his uncle. This was agreed to, and when the Lion was drawn about halfway up by the whole family of Jackals, the reim was cleverly cut, and down went the Lion with a tremendous crash which hurt him very much. Upon this, the Jackal again performed upon the hide with tremendous force, for their daring to give him such a rotten reim, and Mrs. Jackal and the little ones responded with some fearful screams and yells. He then called loudly out to his wife for a strong buffalo reim which would support any weight. This again was lowered and fastened to the Lion, when all bands pulled away at their uncle; and, just when he had reached so far that he could look over the precipice into the pots to see all the fat meat cooking, and all the biltongs hanging out to dry, the reim was again cut, and the poor Lion fell with such force that he was fairly stunned for some time. After the Lion had recovered his senses, the Jackal, in a most sympathizing tone, suggested that he was afraid that it was of no use to attempt to haul him up onto the precipice, and recommended, instead, that a nice fat piece of eland's breast be roasted and dropped into the Lion's mouth. The Lion, half famished with hunger, and much bruised, readily accepted the offer, and sat eagerly awaiting the fat morsel.

In the mean time, the Jackal had a round stone made red-hot, and wrapped a quantity of inside fat, or suet, round it, to make it appear like a ball of fat. When the Lion saw it held out, he opened his capacious mouth to the utmost extent, and the wily Jackal cleverly dropped the hot ball right into it, which ran through the poor old beast, killing him on the spot.

It need hardly be told that there was great rejoicing on the precipice that night.

2. Clever Jackal gets Away:
Clever Jackal gets Away

"Hawu, hawu, hawu, my children," Gogo began one evening. "You know, cleverness is a very important thing to own! Why, cleverness has helped Nogwaja out of the cooking pot more than once!"

"The Jackal is also a clever animal, isn't he, Gogo?" asked little Sipho (see' poh), who was quite proud that his nickname was Mpungushe (mpoo-ngoo'-shay = "jackal"). Gogo, in fact, had given him that name because of the loud howl he had made as a baby. Sipho liked to think it was because he was quick and agile as the Jackal.

Gogo laughed and looked at the child at her feet. "Yes, my boy! You are right! Jackal is a very clever animal. Sometimes too clever for his own good!"

"I remember how he helped Jabu the herdboy by tricking Bhubesi back into the snare. Tell us another tale about Jackal, Gogo!" begged Sipho.

"Yes, Gogo," her other grandchildren chorused. "Please tell us...."

"Alright, my children. But listen and learn!" Gogo settled her round self down more comfortably upon the tree stump. "Kwasuka sukela . . ."

One day long ago, Jackal was trotting through a narrow, rocky pass. As he often did, he kept his nose to the ground as he ambled along, to catch the odd scent. "Never know when I'll happen upon my next meal, " he thought to himself, although it was highly unlikely that he would find a rat out in the midday heat. But perhaps he could catch a lizard or two.

Suddenly he was aware of a movement ahead of him in the pass. "Oh, no!" Jackal moaned and stopped dead-still in his tracks. Lion was coming toward him. Realising that he was too near to escape, Jackal was filled with fear. He had played so many tricks on the great Bhubesi in the past, he was sure that lion would take this opportunity to get his revenge. In a flash Jackal thought of a plan.
"Help! Help!" cried Jackal. He cowered down on the cliff path, looking above at the rocks.
Lion stopped short in surprise.

"Help!" Jackal howled, using the fear he felt in the middle of his chest to accentuate his cry. Jackal glanced up at Bhubesi. "Oh, great Nkosi! Help! There is no time to lose! See those great rocks above us? They are about to fall! We shall both be crushed to death!!!! Oh, mighty Lion, do something! Save us!" And Jackal cowered even lower, his paws covering his head.

Lion looked up, most alarmed. Before he even had a chance to think, Jackal was begging him to use his strength to hold up the overhanging rock. So Lion put his brawny shoulder to the rock and heaved.

"Oh, thank you, great King!" yelped Jackal. "I will quickly fetch that log over there to prop under the rock, and we will both be saved!" With that Jackal bounded out of sight.

Lion was left all alone to struggle under the weight of the unmoving rock. How long he remained there before he realised that it was another trick, we will never know. But this much we do know: Jackal continued to live by his wits!

3. The Man who never Lied.
The Man who never lied

Once upon a time there lived a wise man by the name of Mamad. He never lied. All the people in the land, even the ones who lived twenty days away, knew about him.

The king heard about Mamad and ordered his subjects to bring him to the palace. He looked at the wise man and asked:
" Mamad, is it true, that you have never lied?"
" It's true."
"And you will never lie in your life?"
" I'm sure in that."
"Okay, tell the truth, but be careful! The lie is cunning and it gets on your tongue easily."

Several days passed and the king called Mamad once again. There was a big crowd: the king was about to go hunting. The king held his horse by the mane, his left foot was already on the stirrup. He ordered Mamad:
"Go to my summer palace and tell the queen I will be with her for lunch. Tell her to prepare a big feast. You will have lunch with me then."

Mamad bowed down and went to the queen. Then the king laughed and said:
"We won't go hunting and now Mamad will lie to the queen. Tomorrow we will laugh on his behalf."
But the wise Mamad went to the palace and said:
"Maybe you should prepare a big feast for lunch tomorrow, and maybe you shouldn't. Maybe the king will come by noon, and maybe he won't."
"Tell me will he come, or won't he?" - asked the queen.
"I don't know weather he put his right foot on the stirrup, or he put his left foot on the ground after I left."
Everybody waited for the king. He came the next day and said to the queen:
"The wise Mamad, who never lies, lied to you yesterday."

But the queen told him about the words of Mamad. And the king realized, that the wise man never lies, and says only that, which he saw with his own eyes.

4. Why the Cheetah's cheeks are stained
Why the Cheetah's cheeks are stained

"Kwasuka sukela...."

Long ago a wicked and lazy hunter was sitting under a tree. He was thinking that it was too hot to be bothered with the arduous task of stalking prey through the bushes. Below him in the clearing on the grassy veld there were fat springbok grazing. But this hunter couldn't be bothered, so lazy was he! He gazed at the herd, wishing that he could have the meat without the work, when suddenly he noticed a movement off to the left of the buck. It was a female cheetah seeking food. Keeping downwind of the herd, she moved closer and closer to them. She singled out a springbok who had foolishly wandered away from the rest. Suddenly she gathered her long legs under her and sprang forward. With great speed she came upon the springbok and brought it down. Startled, the rest of the herd raced away as the cheetah quickly killed her prey.
The hunter watched as the cheetah dragged her prize to some shade on the edge of the clearing. There three beautiful cheetah cubs were waiting there for her. The lazy hunter was filled with envy for the cubs and wished that he could have such a good hunter provide for him. Imagine dining on delicious meat every day without having to do the actual hunting! Then he had a wicked idea. He decided that he would steal one of the cheetah cubs and train it to hunt for him. He decided to wait until the mother cheetah went to the waterhole late in the afternoon to make his move. He smiled to himself.
When the sun began to set, the cheetah left her cubs concealed in a bush and set off to the waterhole. Quickly the hunter grabbed his spear and trotted down to the bushes where the cubs were hidden. There he found the three cubs, still to young to be frightened of him or to run away. He first chose one, then decided upon another, and then changed his mind again. Finally he stole them all, thinking to himself that three cheetahs would undoubtedly be better than one.
When their mother returned half-an-hour later and found her babies gone, she was broken-hearted. The poor mother cheetah cried and cried until her tears made dark stains down her cheeks. She wept all night and into the next day. She cried so loudly that she was heard by an old man who came to see what the noise was all about.
Now this old man was wise and knew the ways of the animals. When he discovered what the wicked hunter had done, he became very angry. The lazy hunter was not only a thief, he had broken the traditions of the tribe. Everyone knew that a hunter must use only his own strength and skill. Any other way of hunting was surely a dishonour.
The old man returned to the village and told the elders what has happened. The villagers became angry. They found the lazy hunter and drove him away from the village. The old man took the three cheetah cubs back to their grateful mother. But the long weeping of the mother cheetah stained her face forever. Today the cheetah wears the tearstains on its face as a reminder to the hunters that it is not honourable to hunt in any other way than that which is traditional.

5. Why the Warthog goes about on his knees.

Why the Warthog goes about on his knees

"Oh, Gogo," little Sipho asked one evening, "could you tell us the story of clever Jackal again?" Sipho, whose nickname was Mpungushe "jackal," never tired of hearing tales of his beloved namesake.

"Hawu, Sipho," moaned several of his siblings, "Not again, little Jackal! You will wear out our ears with stories of Mpungushe!"
Gogo laughed her deep, round laugh. Soon each of her grandchildren were laughing along with her.
"I, too, love the stories of the Jackal!" Gogo looked at Sipho. "But we do not want to cause your brothers and sisters to become deaf. I think there is another tale that I can tell you of an animal who tried to be as clever as Jackal!"

Kwasuka sukela . . .
Wart hog had made himself a lovely, spacious home in an old termite mound that an aardvark* had cleared out. He had built it up and made a wide entrance. He thought it was the most magnificant home in Africa and would often stand at the entrance of his dwelling with his snout in the air as the giraffe, wildebeest** and zebra passed to the watering hole. "Hah," he thought to himself, "no one has such a fine home!"

One day as he looked out from the entrance of his cave he was horrified to see a huge lion stealthily stalking toward him. He started to back away, but because he had made the entrance to his place so grand, the lion would have no difficulty in following Wart Hog right in. "Ahhhh," panicked Wart Hog, "Bhubesi will eat me in my own lounge! What will I do?"

Wart Hog decided to use an old trick he'd heard Jackal bragging about. Wart Hog pretended to be supporting the roof of his hole with his strong back, pushing up with his tusks. "Help!" he cried to the lion, "I am going to be crushed! The roof is caving in! Flee, oh, mighty Bhubesi, before you are crushed along with me!"

Now Lion is no fool. He recognized Jackal's old ploy straight away ("Do you remember that story, children?"), and he wasn't going to be caught out again. He roared so fiercely that Wart hog dropped to his knees, trembling. Wart hog begged for mercy. Luckily for him Lion was not too hungry. So he pardoned the wart hog and left, saying, "Stay on your kness, you foolish beast!"

Lion laughed to himself and shook his shaggy head as he walked away. Imagine, slow-witted Wart hog trying to copy Jackal's trick! Wart hog took Lion's order to heart. That is why, to this day, you will see Wart hog feeding on his knees, in a very undignified position, with his bottom up in the air and his snout snuffling in the dust.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Most Complicated Roads of the World.

1) Col de Turini, France.

Col de Turini, France

Situated more than 1 mile above sea level, Col de Turini is a mountain pass situated in south of France in the Alps. It’s also part of a 20 miles rally stage of the Monte Carlo Rally of WRC, which combines 34 challenging hairpins and long stretches where cars top 111 mph. It is one of the most exciting roads on Earth. The pass was featured in the very first episode of Top Gear series 10, when the presenters went in search of the greatest driving road in the world. At its highest point, Col de Turini is 1607m high. In the north, the Col de Turini starts with a dazzling series of hairpins. Finally, we end up riding in a gorge, with a wild river on the left, and a steep rock-wall on the right.

2) Stelvio Pass, Italy.

Stelvio Pass, Italy

Located in the Eastern Alps in Italy, the Stelvio Pass Road connects the Valtellina with Merano and the upper Adige valley. This mountain road pass is situated at an altitude of around 1.7 miles above sea level. The road is particularly challenging to drive due to the presence of 48 hairpin bends, with the road becoming exceedingly narrow at some points, and some very steep inclines. With a height of 2757 meters, it is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps and the second highest in the Alps, after the 2770 m high Col de l’Iseran. While it might not be as dangerous as the other routes, it is certainly breathtaking. The toughest and most spectacular drives are from the Prato side. The mountain pass is one of the best continuous hairpin routes in the world.

Twenty (20) most deadly Earthquakes.

1. Shensi.

Earthquake of Shensi

Shensi is located in China and in 1556 almost 830,000 people dead due to earthquake.

2. Sumatra.

Earthquake of Sumatra

In Sumatra almost 283,106 people dead due to earthquake in 2004.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mahsuri: The Pride of Malaysian History.

Mahsuri Tomb

Makam Mahsuri was a local Malaysian heroine who lived about 200 years ago. The legend is that she was was a beautiful girl who married the son of a village headman and Chief of Langkawi Rumours started that she was being unfaithful to her husband with a traveling poet. While her husband was away, her Mother-in-Law raised the village against her and the tied her to a tree to try and kill her.

None of the sword of daggers used against Mahsuiri caused her any wound and the villagers were baffled but still they tried. Mahsuri realised that only her death would appease them so she told them that the only weapon that could harm her was her Father's keris (ceremonial sword). This was fetched and used to kill her.

The villagers noticed that the blood flowing from her was white and an indication of her innocence. As she died she laid a curse on the island stating that it would 'not prosper for seven generations'. It did follow that the island then began to suffer much misfortune being invaded by Siam, and later the population fell significantly. Fortunes for the island began to improve from the 1980s as tourism began thrive.


As a young man Tunku Abdul Rahman, who later became Malaysia's first Prime Minister tried to locate her grave pay his respects. Islanders did not know where it was but he searched and sometime later found what he believed to be her grave in undergrowth. There is though no proof of this fact, however the site was restored and became a tourist attraction. Around the tomb a model village has been built in the way it would have been in her lifetime.

Her descendants were traced to Phuket in Thailand in 2000 and it was discovered that the eighth generation direct descendent of her was born in 1980, as fortunes for the island began to improve.

Makam Mahsuri

The Mahsuri Mausoleum or the Makam Mahsuri was set up in honor of Mahsuri beautiful princess of Langkawi who was accused of Adultery by her mother in law two hundred years ago. The legend goes that the mother in law was jealous of the beauty of her daughter in law and thereby ordered her extermination much before the arrival of her son, who was away at war. It is said that while Mahsuri was executed with the help of a special dagger, but her blood was white, which proved her innocence. In the course of her dying Mahsuri cursed the island so that it would remain barren for seven generations. The seven generations has passed and fortunately, it is now seen that Langkawi is a flourishing Tourist destination.

The Mausoleum houses a Kedah traditional house, Mahsuri's well, Mahsuri's tomb and an aviary. As a mark of reverence, Tourists open their shoes while entering the Mausoleum.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Poverty, Pakistan, Britian and our Leaders.

Asif Ali Zardari

Easy Jet is one of the many cheapest Air lines of United Kingdom which opened in the early 21st century. Its motto has been to promote tourism all over Europe. Before the introduction of these Air Lines, Air traveling was very costly in Europe and due to this reason only those people could afford to travel who were very rich and had a yearly income of about 40-50 thousand pounds.

After 9/11 Civil Aviation industry was hugely damaged and many Airlines were closed. Looking at this many Airlines started the cheap service due to two reasons. Firstly, they wanted to make use of the old planes and secondly to let the middle class people travel by plane and these Airlines have done wonders.

The tickets of these Airlines are cheaper than taxi or train that's why millions of people in Europe travel weekly. If you book the ticket one month in advance it is even cheaper than a bus fare.
All the seats in the plane are economy class and nothing such as tea, breakfast, lunch, dinner but these facilities can be availed by payment on the spot. Almost 2000 of such flights are launched daily with 50-60 lakh people traveling daily. The rent of these flights are between 2-10 pounds.

Almost 10 days ago a big incident took place in the history of Easy Jet. That day the Prime Minister of UK, David Cameron and his wife Samantha Cameron traveled to Spain via Easy Jet. They in fact went there to celebrate the Birthday of Samantha Davis. Both of them stayed in Spain for two days, and because it was a private tour they did not use the official Plane of the PM. All the cost was paid by the Prime Minister himself and bought the cheap ticket of Easy Jet. The stayed in a normal three star hotel and the rent of the room was 114 pounds. He didn't have any protocol or security and came back after staying in Spain for two days.

You see the economic condition of Britain, its volume is 7 trillion dollars. Its per ca pita income is 36496 dollars. PM of UK has the most advanced Air Jet which has the latest communication system, it has conference room, bedrooms etc. The PM has his own official car flat. Yet you see David Cameron going to Spain privately and walked in the streets on foot.

You can also take the example of India, where the PM wearing such a simple dress, Sonia Gandhi wearing a simple Sari, the CM wearing a simple Dhoti etc.

But you saw our PM Yousuf Raza Gillani wearing 3 imported suits on the same day. Then you can come back to the comparison with UK. Pakistan's per ca pita income is 1051 dollars. 8 billion people are living below the poverty line, we have 60 billion dollars of debt, and a country where the use of flour has come down by 18% due to poverty. Then you see the life style of our leaders, they travel in most advanced planes, their Jets stay on the Foreign Airports for weeks and million of dollars are paid as a rent. Almost 200 people go as a delegation and Stay in five star hotels,

During the flood, President Zardari went to UK and USA, sending a week there and paying million of rupees as Parking rent while there are people in the country who don't even get to eat two piece of bread daily. How do u expect a country to be successful when the leaders are total opposite to what the normal people are. Until and unless the leaders will not correct themselves we will remain the degraded country we are and will keep on begging others.

This part has been taken from Javed Chaudhry's article 'Iss Tarha' published in 'Daily Express' on 12 April, 2011.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cody McCasland: An Inspirational story of a boy without legs.

Cody McCasland

On October 2, 2001, the doctors decided that at 34 weeks, Cody McCasland was going to be delivered as the amniotic fluid was decreasing and Cody's growth was no longer increasing. Cody was delivered by an urgent cesarean section, and immediately, they knew things were not quite right. Mike, Cody's Father, could see that Cody's legs looked different, and he only had 4 toes on his right foot, but that was all he knew. The doctor's asked him not to say anything to Tina, Cody's Mother, as she was still in surgery herself. Cody did not breathe on his own for several minutes, but after he did, he was swaddled for Tina to hold for a few seconds.then off to the NICU. Mike followed. In the NICU Mike was told of all the problems by the physician, and then told to prepare for him to die. He was completely alone and the physician left. He came to Tina with the news, whom did not understand or believe it. Shortly thereafter, the doctor came in to talk with Tina and Mike, and said Cody was stable, but he was being transferred to another hospital, without Tina. 

He needed surgery within the next day or two but they could not perform it. Tina was able to see Cody one last time in an incubator before transport, but then he and Mike were gone. Tina was adamant that she was going to be at the other hospital when Cody had surgery and was walking that evening. Cody's surgery was scheduled for the morning of day 3 and she was there. This was just the beginning of their medical journey with Cody. He remained in the NICU for 23 days, and had two of his now 15 surgeries, before going home.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Interesting Facts about Hitler

Facts about Hitler
  • No matter how warm he feels, Hitler will never take off his coat in public.
  • In 1923, Nazi press secretary Dr. Sedgwick tried to convince Hitler to get rid of his trademark mustache or grow it normally. Hitler answered: “Do not worry about my mustache. If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it!”
  • He refuses to use cologne or scents of any sort on his body.
  • While dining with the others, Hitler will allow the conversation to linger on general topics, but after a couple of hours he will inevitably begin one of his many monologues. These speeches are flawless from start to finish because he rehearses them any time he gets a moment.
  • His favorite topics include: “When I was a soldier,” “When I was in Vienna,” “When I was in prison,” and “When I was the leader in the early days of the party.”
  • If Hitler begins speaking about Wagner and the opera, no one dares interrupt him. He will often sermonize on this topic until his audience falls asleep.
  • Hitler has no interest in sports or games of any kind and never exercised, except for an occasional walk.
  • He paces frequently inside rooms, always to the same tune that he whistles to himself and always diagonally across the room, from corner to corner.
  • Hitler’s handwriting is impeccable. When famous psychologist Carl Jung saw Hitler’s handwriting in 1937, he remarked: “Behind this handwriting I recognize the typical characteristics of a man with essentially feminine instinct.”
  • Hitler loves the circus. He takes real pleasure in the idea that underpaid performers are risking their lives to please him. He went to the circus on several occasions in 1933 and sent extremely expensive chocolates and flowers to the female performers. Hitler even remembered their names and would worry about them and their families in the event of an accident. He isn’t interested in wild animal acts, unless there is a woman in danger.
  • Nearly every night Hitler will see a movie in his private theatre, mainly foreign films that are banned to the German public. He loves comedies and will often laugh merrily at Jewish comedians. Hitler even liked a few Jewish singers, but after hearing them he would remark that it was too bad he or she wasn’t Aryan.
  • Hitler staff secretly made films for him of torture and execution of political prisoners, which he very much enjoyed viewing. His executive assistants also secured pornographic pictures and movies for him.
  • He loves newsreels – especially when he is in them.
  • He adores gypsy music, Wagner’s operas, and especially American college football marches and alma maters.
  • To excite the masses, he also uses American College football-style music during his speeches. His rallying cry – “Sieg Heil!” – was even modeled after the cheering techniques used by American football cheerleaders.
  • As an Austrian, he was required to register for the draft at the age of 20. Historians believe that his failure to do this is the reason he changed addresses so frequently in this period. After five years, Austrian authorities finally tracked him to Munich. They returned him to Austria, where he promptly failed his military physical, was judged unfit for combat, and let go.
  • He feared disease, and diagnosed himself with numerous conditions, mostly intestinal disorders. He treated these with medications containing poisonous wood alcohol, atropine and strychnine, and bacteria cultivated from human feces. He resorted to leeches to lower his blood pressure. And near the end of the war, he became increasingly concerned about “fresh air poisoning.”
  • One of his favorite targets was his foreign minister. He would have a staffer call the minister with the news that Hitler was furious with something he had said. Hitler would listan on the phone, providing further instructions to drive the minister to a nervous breakdown. One prank famously backfired, when he sent Ernst Hanfstaengl into Spain on a plane full of Gestapo, and made him think he was being set up for a suicide mission. Hanfstaengl took an opportunity while refueling to board a train to Switzerland, and before anyone could let him in on the joke, he turned himself in to the Allies, becoming an invaluable source of information.
  • He experimented briefly with playing the harmonica and flute, and sang occasionally, but whistling was his best talent. He could whistle loudly and on pitch, and could even reproduce long passages from Wagner with incredible accuracy.
  • Hitler regularly ate up to two pounds of chocolate a day, in addition to pastries and hot chocolate with copious amounts of whipped cream. He generally took his tea with seven teaspoons of sugar, and Ernst Hanfstaengl once witnessed Hitler adding spoonfuls of sugar to a glass of red wine.
  • Hitler was very proud of his German Shephard named Blondi. He spent countless hours training her, and would even interrupt meetings with generals to practice her tricks. The generals realized that if Blondi did well, Hitler was in a better mood, and more likely to take their advice. If she did poorly, he would become sullen and stubborn. One of the officers later said, “I sometimes had the impression that the outcome of the Russian campaign depended more on Blondi than the German general staff.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eight Historical Cities destroyed by the Sea!

This is the story of those cities which were alive at some point in time. Some of the cities were the most developed in their era and people of these cities had every facility which was necessary for a lavish life style, Some were the biggest trade centers, some were the main points of food and goods, some had the most active sea shores of the world and some of them were so important that Empires used to fought for gaining the control of the city. These cities were the New York, Washington, London, Paris of the past but then a day came on each of these cities that were drowned by the Mighty sea water. Some of these cities of the past have been discovered with only the skeleton of theirs remaining while some are lost forever in the history.

I was reading about the countries which are today in danger of being taken over by the sea and thought that there must be some countries or cities that might as well have had the worse possible fate already, here are a few of those cities.

Port Royal, Jamaica.
Port Royal, Jamaica

This city was situated at the south eastern end of Jamaica near the Kingston sea port. These First citizens of this city were the Arawak Indians, people that now live in the Republic of Haiti. They lived in the city for a long time and were mostly fishermen. Then in 1494 Spanish cast people reached here in the leadership of Columbus to find gold and silver but they could not find anything here but instead of going back they decided to stay here and made the Arawak Indians their slaves and started  cultivating sugar cane as living, in short this city was now a property of the Spanish Empire.

These Spanish people had the control of the city for almost 146 years but then in late 1655 the British invaded the city. The aim of the Britishers was to control the sea and to make this area a trade zone. During the Spanish reign the people of this city lived a poor life and were mostly treated as slaves but when the Britishers took control a war between both of the empires started and the British gave the control of the city to the Pirates who controlled the city as well as people started to become rich because the only aim of the Pirates was money and the Britishers were willing to give them anything unless they had the control of the city.

In the year 1692 a high magnitude earth quake hit the city due to the which the capital of Jamaica was almost destroyed while the northern side of the city was swallowed by the sea. Then later in the same year a Tsunami came and further damaged the city and more part of which was now in the sea. Later in the 1700's when the chain of disasters stopped it was revealed that almost half the population of the city was no where to be found. Most of the Writers who wrote about this city say that people of that time thought that this fate of the city was written as the city was captured by the rich people who did everything bad.

After all the disasters there were several tries made to rebuilt the city but after some time the city was again destroyed due to some disaster. In 1703 fire broke in the city, In 1722 there was a devastating flood, In 1755 again fire, In 1815 again fire, In 1850 some disease broke out killing millions but the dent was in the year 1907 when the earth quake and flood destroyed the city altogether leaving no sings of the city at all. Most of the reigns of the city are still present under the sea.

Eastern Canopus, Egypt.
Canopus, Egypt.

At the Northern end of the Egyptian territory, where the River Nile meets the sea, there were two cities present in the the 16th century. Eastern Canopus and Heraceleon were not only two of the most famous cities but were the most important cities of the pre historic times. Eastern Canopus was situated 25km away from the modern city of Iskandaria. It is also known as a port in ancient Egypt east of Alexandria where granite monuments have been found inscribed with the name of Rameses II and written in languages similar to those of the Rosetta stone. This city is now a part of the sea and its remains are found 2km within the present shore of the city of Iskandaria.

Before the city of Iskandaria was established this was the most important sea shore of the Early Egyptian Empire and was used for the trade between the Roman empire and the other world. In the Roman era the City of Eastern Canopus had the reputation of the city for the people who wanted to spend lavish time. It is obvious from the name of the city, Canopus in the roman language means Lavishness. Ancient history of this city is yet unknown and It is not known when the city was built, but one thing is clearly mentioned in the history that it was the point of war between the years 1798-1801 which damaged the city a lot.

These days the Town of Abu Qir is established here which has a population of around 1000 people.

Heraceleun, Egypt.
Heraceleun, Egypt.

If we want to track the location of the city of HeraceleunThousands of artifacts, including bronze coins mostly belonging to the Ptolemic era, two gold coins, three colossal statues, two paintings with Greek inscriptions, some jewelry, several day-to-day utensils, earthenware and some amulets were found.

Due to a research it is revealed that this city was one of the most important city during (1333 to 1334 BC, )the time of Tutakhamun, the great ruler. Some of the researchers also think that the Sign of Power, Hercules is also buried in this city. Why were Heraceleun and Eastern Canopus were drowned in the sea? there are many stories regarding this. Some of the historians think that the cities were destroyed due to the mighty earth quakes. This city was basically the only way of entering Egypt from the sea. Especially the romans came here and after paying tax of 10% on the things they brought, were allowed to sell things in the rest of Egypt. Roman Historians talk about a myth that once the water of river nile was to destroy the cities in the form of a flood, Hercules, by his great power forced the water to change its course and saved the cities.

So far, an area of almost 1000 m x 800 m has been explored. Remains of vast buildings, harbor basins and the wreckage of a dozen old sunken ships have been examined.. Various theories on why the area sank into the Mediterranean have been discussed, including theories of earthquakes and large waves.

Atlit Yam, Israel.

Atlit Yam, Israel

Atlit Yam is an ancient submerged Neolithic village off the coast of Atlit, Israel. Atlit-Yam provides the earliest known evidence for an agro-pastoral-marine subsistence system on the Levantine coast. There are also some sings near the city of Haifa that suggests that a village, if not a city was established here some point in time. Signs show that the city was alive here around 6900-6300 BC. 

For now the city is 8-12 meter deep in the sea and is estimated to be 40000 square km long.

It is said that during the days of the Great Ice era, when the Ice started to melt the sea level rose to a very high level and then about 8500 years ago a devastating Tsunami destroyed the city. In the year 1960, for the first time the geologists found of the remains of this city. All the houses and buildings that have been discovered here are made from stones, human bones have also been found. Many wells are also discovered here and the experts feel that when the sea water polluted the wells, people started to migrate to other places. After further research in 2008, skeleton on a woman and a boy have also been found. Skeletons of fishes are found in such a way that it is thought that some point here a fish market of huge magnitude existed. 

Yonaguni, Japan.

Yonaguni, Japan.

This was the last Island of southern Japan which was situated about 108 km away from the Taiwanese territory which is famous for its stony structure. Its population was about 1700 and according to some Japanese myths this city was called the City of Gods. People of that area had the view that to find happiness it was must to visit this city.

Japanese expert, Masaki Kemura after 15 years of research revealed that this city was 5000 years old which was destroyed due to a deadly earth quake 2000 years ago. But some other experts think that this city is 1000 years old and connects with the end of the Ice Age. If their claim is considered correct then the history of the world will have to be changed which says that the European traditions are most advanced.

The city which had Japanese pyramids was discovered in 1986 when a sea diver discovered a building some 25 meters in the sea. Uptill now the highest pyramid found is 600 feet wide and 90 feet tall. many ornaments have also been found within the pyramids.



Atlantis the Island of Atlas is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias. It is also considered as the biggest kingdom that was an Island. In Plato's dialogues it is written that the Island existed almost 9000 years ago. But some of the Historians think that there was some mistake made while translating the Plato's dialogues and this Island existed 900 years ago not 9000. For a long period of time people did not considered the Plato's information reliable but now after years of research they have agreed to everything that plato said.

Where did this city exist? There are many people who have different point of view on this query. Some say that it was near the Pacific ocean, while some say that it was near northern europe the Atlantic ocean, but there are many others who think that this city was situated near the dead sea. Interestingly enough there are also some people who think this city is in the arabian sea while others think that this city never existed and was just a myth. But Plato and the Historians who are 
working on it firmly believe this city exists. When and why was this city destroyed, no one knows yet although after the recent tsunami it is thought that the city has again been discovered. An empire ranging from Northern Africa to Asia, its destruction means the destruction of a complete civilization.

Palvopetri, Greece.

Palvopetri, Greece

The city of Palvopetri, underwater off the coast of southern Laconia in Greece, is about 500 years old and is the oldest submerged archaeological town site. It is unique in the way that it has almost complete town plans, including streets, buildings and tombs. It was discovered in 1967 by Nicholas Fleming and mapped in 1968 by a team of archaeologists from Cambridge. It has at least 15 buildings submerged in three to four meters of water. The newest discoveries were made in 2009 alone covering 9000 square meters.

Dunwich, England.

Dunwich, England

1500 years ago this city was a famous Island and a busy city with a sea port. Major exports of this city were wool and wheat and its major imports were fish, wine, and wood. Not only this city had the biggest sea port of the country it was among the 10 largest cities of the United Kingdom with a population of about 3000. There were two hospitals for this minor population which tells that how much care was taken.

This city has always been a troublesome territory but it was most damaged in 1286 when a sea storm struck the city. This sea storm was so dangerous that people had not seen anything like this in their life time and it did not stop for many days. When it did stop it had destroyed all of the city and the sea port was almost finished and the big city was reduced to a small town. Then in 1328 another sea storm struck the 'New Town' and further damaged it. This fight with nature kept on and now only a small village is left.

In 1754 British historian published some photos of this city which were not accepted by anyone. Researchers are of the view that the city was totally destroyed in the 13th century and only a few remains of the city are left. People of the village living near the shore say that they still hear bells of the church ringing from the sea. In 2008 the British Government planned to find the lost city with latest technology.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Article Voted # 1

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