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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Benefits of Value System in an Organisation

As we know, the value system is the set of beliefs and attitudes that they all share among themselves. If we talk about the workplace, these sets of values have extreme importance. I have been asked to consider how they will identify and demonstrate the current values and talk about the main ones with my point of view.

Deliver Promise

For me, it is something that should always be high on priority. If you are committing to someone, then you should fulfil it. As they say, a man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Especially in an organisation if you have promised your client on delivering something, then there should be no stone left unturned. Either don't make promises you can't keep or do everything possible to meet their requirements for the sake of your credibility.

Clear Communication

Communication is the foundation value for any organisation because it helps them achieve their full potential. Effective use of oral, visual and written communication shows professional competence and knowledge expected in a company and the leader and engenders trust in everyone. From a personal point of view, having clear instructions from my manager leads to me having a clear idea of what I have to do and then results in me completing my tasks effectively and efficiently.


Innovation can take you from being lower on the ladder to the top of the crop. If you have a system in place that promotes innovation within the workplace, that means you will end up being more successful than others. It also helps employees to grow because they are getting out of their comfort zone. I believe that it brings out the best in you and gives you the chance to grow more as a person and as a professional.

Embrace Change

This term can be related to innovation because change is always constant. No matter where you work, the people you work with, everything changes over time. You will work with new team members, meet new people, have new projects to work on and even move from one company to the other. If you are willing to embrace the change around you, it has many benefits in my point of view as it helps you grow, become more flexible and allows you to challenge your values and beliefs.


If you want to be successful in any field of life, you have to respect your seniors and everyone around you. It is a core value and the basis of every professional. It is a collection of many things for me, such as respecting everyone's privacy, their status within the organisation, their physical space and belongings — also, consideration when it comes to other people's point of views, ability beliefs and personalities.


If you want to complete a task, then you will need the help of people around you within a company. If you get along with your team members, there is synchronisation between you then completing a job becomes that much easier. When two or more people but their mind on something new ideas, new solutions and pathways open. It also improves flexibility and turns out to be healthy for everyone involved.

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