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Monday, April 1, 2013

Friends and True Friends.

It is really difficult to define friends or true friends.

Some will define true friend as a person who is there for you no matter what happens, some say a friend is the one who supports you in everything wrong or right, some also say friends are the people with whom you can be yourself.

Friends are also the people you trust, share your secrets with, do the craziest stuff you know you won't be judged, you will be forever friends.

But people these days are different, they will make friends, hold on to them until they find another new friend, and then so on and on.

I read somewhere..

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

People will also make sure they believe others about their friends more than their own friends. 

The worst part still is when your friends have everything visible infront of them, they know you more than others, still they will go on and believe others more than you.

Still there is one best part about friends. Every friend you will make, by the time they leave you will give you a lesson about life, an experience that will help you in life, good or bad? That is another thing.

People can actually be your friends when the going is good. When everything is perfect. And leave when the going gets tough, when you actually need someone to be there for you.

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

But then friends are friends, you don't regret being friends. The time spent together, the talks, the lameness and the fun. 

People who want to be your friends and are sincere will always stay, people who are not will always leave, so nothing to regret? It is a vast world out there and memories will always stay.

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